The MFT Cork Roll is the environmentally friendly solution to the traditional massage fascia or yoga roller.
Cork is a renewable, sustainable material derived from the bark of the cork oak tree.
Supports regeneration:
This fascia roller is especially suitable for foot arch massage but also as a training and massage device for active treatment of muscles, tension and trigger points.
Relieves pain:
The MFT Cork Roll is ideal for people who suffer from muscle stiffness in the arch of the leg and buttock muscles.
Skin-friendly & antibacterial:
Cork is hypoallergenic, water repellent and easy to clean. Our cork roller features a pleasant and non-slip feel.
Optimal dimensions:
With a size of 30 cm x 10 cm and a weight of about 800 g, the gymnastic roll has the optimal dimensions for training at home and on the road. Due to its compact dimensions, the cork roller for self-massage fits in any sports bag.
Effective training:
As a functional massage roller, it can increase the mobility of muscles and fasciae. Optimally activate the sensor motor function in the arch of the foot.
Areas of use
Home training, personal training, physio, rehab, corporate fitness
Target group
Fascia training, massage/arching foot massage, yoga/pilates, corrdination training
Product data
Dimensions: LxD: 300x100mm
Weight: ca. 800g
Origin: Portugal/EU
Cleaning instructions: Wipe with a damp cloth. If necessary, use an organic cleaning solution without harsh chemicals.
Composition: Cork fabric
Material info about cork
No toxic chemicals are used in the production of our cork. This process does NOT harm the tree and can be repeated several times in periods of 8-10 years. In addition, the tree becomes a real CO2 sink. When its bark is removed, the tree absorbs up to three times more of the greenhouse gas. What a boon for the environment!
Top application
I bought the MFT Cork Roll for arch massage. A top idea. Works simply great.
Recommended. The cork roller was recommended to me by my therapist to massage my foot, leg and buttock muscles and to activate the sensor motor system. I should do this as a preparation for my coordination and balance training. The feeling afterwards is just so much better.